Art . PoetryOn October 26, 2019 by admin
Your black eyes burnme up to cinders, ashes,screaming on the rock. I want your hands:my skin disintegrates,ashen back to earth. Your hand on my legburns through to bone taking withit all my tears. Day covers nightlike a woman and her man; heis taken away. Your sand skin seesmy otherwise unknown: thisbody, dawn broken. Salamander mine,DeepRead more
Art . PoetryOn October 26, 2019 by admin
LOVE SONG to SLEEP The whole world is asleep In the room next to mine – His little fists curled around A sweaty receiving blanket. Eyes closed so gently to the night And day alike, To my steps over the floor, And the 30-somethings’ party across the back, To military jets overhead, And the prostitutesRead more
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